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What Does Space Look Like To You?

What Does Space Look Like To You?

Hi my sweet friends,

I'm sharing a different kind of post with you today but one that I hope really makes you think, "what does space look like to me?"

A few years ago, when I was in a shared house with my family, I was being told to wait until I had my own home before painting. There wasn't enough space for all the different art materials, like the paints and canvases, and there definitely wasn't an area where I could actually set things up for my creative practice

And even though they were right in a practical sense, what they didn't realise was that art was a way in which I could CREATE space for myself. Space to explore who I really was

So, despite their advice, I bought the art materials I wanted. I stuck a bin bag to part of a window pane, and that's where I would rest my canvas as I started to paint and learn what my style would be. I won't say it wasn't tough or frustrating, but I will say that painting became one of the only times each day when I truly felt like I was listening to myself on a deep level

That same year, I gave myself the best Christimas gift I could have ever wanted. I invested in my art business, by joining an online course and community. That course set the wheels in motion for my business, but that community became my own dedicated space for my dreams to grow and flourish in the sunlight, without the shade of anyone's judgement. It helped me see that the space I needed didn't have to be a physical office or studio... who in London can actually afford that anyway?

This morning, I walk into my own kitchen, and I swing open the double doors to let the fresh air and bright sunlight pour in. I thank the universe for this beautiful life I have. And finally, I set up my foldout table, and paint to my heart's content

And you know what?

I'm entirely content

My art studio has moved from a window pane to a foldout table... you could argue that's not much of an upgrade, but I'm content because I now have a space where I can truly connect with myself

And isn't it funny how you can come full-circle sometimes? That's exactly what I want you to have. I'm here to bring you art that creates a cherished and safe space in your precious home. The kind of space where you can pause, reflect, dream, and connect with yourself in a way you don't always know that you need

Don't we all need a space like that?




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