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Three Reasons Why Art Is The Perfect Gift

Three Reasons Why Art Is The Perfect Gift

pair of paintings with purple, blue, gold marbled effect. Paintings are hanging on the wall above a bench. Buy beautiful contemporary fine art prints at ART BY AFFIE


Hi Dear Friends,

Gift giving is tricky! You might know someone like the back of your hand but it isn’t always easy to know what personal gift they’d love, right?

I’ve seen how overwhelmed some people get about gift giving. And I hate this, because buying people gifts is supposed to be a beautiful, enjoyable thing that we do because we want to…it shouldn’t make us stressed or panicky

I honestly think art is one of the most beautiful and meaningful gifts you can give someone, and I've popped just a few reasons below for you to think about (there are more, but I wanted to keep this light for you):

  1. Buying and giving art to someone makes them feel cherished since you've taken the time to choose something original that isn't available in everyday stores. In a world where there's so much being mass produced and available everywhere, it's quite a heartwarming gesture to spend the time and effort to look carefully and buy art from a local artist who's brought their artwork to life and to their store. In the end, you have something unique for someone unique
  2. There's a price for every pocket, and a piece for every place, and I really try and show this in my business. That's why you'll see a range of print sizes, colours, styles, and prices so you have plenty of options. And as I get more and more feedback from you lovely people, I add more beautiful pieces every single month that you're specifically asking for!  
  3. Art can be the perfect way to express your feelings to someone, because when you gift a piece to someone, it means you've drawn a connection between the two. So, if I was to gift you one of my new ink prints that's all about celebrating how you've grown during your life, I'm telling you that I admire your strength and bravery. I'm telling you that I'm in awe of you. And I'm telling you that I am so very lucky to know you. I don't know about you but if I received a piece of art like that, you'd have to hand me the tissues too, because that'd bring tears to my eyes

I hope this sparked a few ideas for you. And if you're looking for a second opinion before picking up a piece, just use the chat function below or pop me an email  - I'll aim to get back to you as soon as I can!  And if you want a little inspiration, then try out my 3-minute, fun and easy quiz to find your perfect art vibe by clicking HERE




P.S. Explore my collection today and enjoy 15% off your first order. Let’s create a home that feels like you, together.



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